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Live marketing The stage is set for your brand

Whether it’s hard facts like revenue and turnover or soft KPIs such as image and emotion – our repertoire includes all elements of live marketing to inspire your target group with brand campaigns. Whatever your goals happen to be.

From concept and planning to organisation – as a full service agency, we offer everything as a one-stop solution from A to Z. USP has more than 20 years of experience in all areas of live marketing. Our concepts are innovative, purposeful and profitable – viable as well, so that nothing gets in the way of successful realisation.

From the concept to planning and organisation

Once the concept is done and dusted, we take care of all aspects of planning and organisation as well. We gladly provide you with our condensed insight from best practice cases and extensive experience of projects in all shapes and sizes across virtually every sector. With promotions, brand activation, road shows, live marketing events, guerrilla marketing, tastings and sampling, we fashion a stage for your brand at the POS and – beyond the customary sales channels – in public places, at train stations and all other conceivable (and inconceivable) locations to ensure targeted shopper and consumer activation.

Projects designed and organised by USP touch people’s emotions – producing lasting effects and the right results in your target group.


Projects in live marketing

Live Marketing Your partner for high-impact live marketing

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