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Gamification concepts Activate brands playfully

In its live and below-the-line marketing activities, USP has always relied on the latest trends to create surprising, emotional and targeted brand activations for its customers. In addition to virtual and augmented reality, gamification elements in particular offer numerous starting points for the development of unique brand experiences with digital support.

The enrichment of live marketing activities with digital tools enables the creation of surprising and emotional brand experiences, which are also very target-oriented by generating valuable leads. Gamification concepts can be integrated into live marketing activities in retail and out-of-home in order to achieve a high level of involvement and interaction between the target group and the brand through a playful brand experience.

On the other hand, gamification can also be embedded on brand web pages or microsites to enable brand activation to continue on the web, thus ensuring that the target group is activated both online and offline.

USP has a large toolbox with a wide selection of attractive standard games that can be completely customized to the look and feel of a brand's CD and, thanks to ready-to-use solutions, are incredibly attractive in terms of speed of implementation and cost efficiency.

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Gamification concepts Activate brands playfully

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